
Short-Term Fellowships

Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies (NCAIS) Graduate Student Fellowships

This fellowship supports PhD candidates at institutions participating in the consortium. Fellowship recipients are expected to present their research at the consortium’s annual graduate student conference or at a Newberry-sponsored seminar in American Indian and indigenous studies. The fellowships offer support for one to two months of dissertation research and carry stipends of $2,500 per month. Awards may be used to fund research at the Newberry, or at other libraries, archives, and in the field. newberry.org/short-term-fellowships

Frances C. Allen Fellowship

This fellowship is for women of American Indian heritage. While candidates for this award may be working in any graduate or pre-professional field, the particular goal of the Allen Fellowship is to encourage American Indian women in their studies of any field related to the Newberry’s collection. Allen fellows are expected to spend a significant part of their tenure in residence at the Newberry’s D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian and Indigenous Studies. The tenure of the fellowship is from one month to one year; the standard award is $2,000 per month; supplemental funding may also be available on a case by case basis. Please note: applicants for the Allen Fellowship must fill out a supplementary form in addition to the Information webform. See newberry.org/short-term-fellowships

Susan Kelly Power and Helen Hornbeck Tanner Fellowship

This fellowship for PhD candidates and postdoctoral scholars of American Indian heritage supports one or two months of residential research in any field in the humanities using the Newberry collection. Applicants for this fellowship need not be from outside the Chicago area. Please note: applicants for this fellowship must fill out a supplementary form in addition to the Information webform. newberry.org/short-term-fellowships

Long-Term Fellowships

Newberry Consortium in American Indian Studies Faculty Fellowship

This fellowship is designed for faculty members at institutions participating in the consortium. Preference is given to scholars at an early career stage. Applicants must request at least four and no more than six months of support. See newberry.org/long-term-fellowships

NCAIS Graduate Student Workshop in Research Methods

This spring workshop run by faculty members from a consortium member institution highlights research methodology. In the past, they have included such topics as Museums as Archives and Oral Tradition and History. The workshop is held in early spring, so look for the call for applications in the late fall. You will apply directly to your UNM faculty liaison. See newberry.org/long-term-fellowships